2024 AGM

Printable version of 2023 AGM Minutes               


If you have questions, please contact  Doris Sun.


Resolutions may be proposed to the AGM by the board, a panel or a member.

Categories of Resolutions

Special Resolution - an amendment to the association's Constitution and Bylaws.
Policy Resolution - a policy direction or action that falls within the mandate of the association and requires action to be taken by the board or staff.

Submitting Resolutions

If you wish to submit a resolution, please contact Doris Sun. The deadline for the submission of resolutions is September 13, 2024.

After the deadline, resolutions may be heard at the AGM if submitted in writing to CSSEA and approved by the board for consideration.


Electing Panel Members

Elections will be held during the AGM divisional sessions, during which time four members will be elected for two-year terms to the Community Living Services panel and the General Services panel. The Indigenous Services panel is not required to hold elections as its panel members are elected by acclamation.

Ballots for the panel elections will be distributed to voting delegates at registration. Please note that lost ballots will not be replaced. Ballot boxes will be located in each divisional session room for divisional voting. Weighted voting will apply. Vote entitlement will be determined per Schedule 1 of the Constitution and Bylaws and based on the number of bargaining unit full-time equivalents (FTEs) in each member agency.

The Role of the Panels

The general mandate of the panels is outlined in Bylaw 9.06 and can be found in CSSEA's Constitution and Bylaws.

In conjunction with other members of the divisional panel, panel members execute the following:

  • Select divisional representatives to serve on the board of directors
  • Participate in the development of the Association’s strategic plan
  • Support the strategic direction of the Association
  • Provide direction to the Association on all member initiatives and serve as a reference group, as required
  • Assist with conference and AGM planning
  • Serve as divisional leaders within their membership division
  • Communicate with their divisional members
  • Bring forward member issues to the board
  • Represent and communicate the substance and intent of the Association’s initiatives, policies and decisions in other social services members’ forums
  • Enhance the Association’s public image
  • Assist with the BC Community Social Services Awards of Excellence planning

The Responsibilities of the Panels

It is expected that panel members will fulfill the following responsibilities:

  • Be available to attend panel meetings which take place in Vancouver, four times per year
  • Chair regional meetings in their area (some travel may be required)
  • Attend the AGM
  • Act honestly, in good faith and in the best interest of the Association
  • Be well informed on issues and agenda items in advance of meetings
  • Contribute skills, knowledge and experience when appropriate
  • Listen respectfully to other points of view
  • Participate in decision-making
  • Educate themselves about the needs of the members
  • Exercise the care, diligence and skill of a reasonably prudent person
  • If appointed by the panel, serve as a member of the board of directors and/or the bargaining team


If you are interested in submitting your name as a candidate for your divisional panel, you must be a board member, owner or the senior management employee (that is, one of the Chief Executive Officer, Executive Director, or equivalent) of a member in the division; a member agency in the division and meet all of the election criteria set out in Bylaw 9.05. If you meet the criteria, we encourage you to:

  • Complete a Candidate Form and return it to CSSEA by September 13, 2024 or
  • Let your name stand for nomination from the floor during your divisional session.

New Panel Members

One position per panel is reserved for a candidate who has never served as a panel member or who has not served on a panel for a period of at least four years.

Board of Directors

The process to select panel members to the board of directors is determined according to Bylaw 7.05. Each panel will meet following the AGM to select its representatives to fill the vacant seats on the board.